Contact Lenses Wahrendorf

Your specialists dedicated to good eyesight

in Berlin-Friedrichshain

Eyes are a matter of trust

Are you unwilling or unable to wear glasses? We provide you with customized contact lenses giving you perfect eyesight without any discomfort – lifelong. Benefit from both our professionalism and our long experience. Our friendly, dedicated team will consult and look after you. Because eyes are a matter of trust. Please make an appointment – we’ll find the perfect solution for your individual needs.

Privacy Policy *

Opening Hours:
Mon to Thurs 9 - 12 / 14 - 18 Uhr
Fri by appointment

Kontaktlinsen Wahrendorf GmbH
10249 Berlin
Petersburger Str. 66

Tel:    +49 - 30 - 4 26 91 55
Fax: +49 - 30 - 42 08 82 49


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